Cotswold Koi provide professional pond services around Oxfordshire, Swindon, Abingdon and Cheltenham, to take care of your pond, by carrying out regular maintenance that is necessary to keep your pond and fish in the best possible condition. We can also make one-off emergency calls and are happy to assist with any problems you’re experiencing with your pond, equipment or fish, either over the phone or by a home visit.
We can maintain any pond or water features you may have, from Koi & garden pond maintenance to large lake maintenance and management. We can cover the complete spectrum of your needs.
Pond maintenance should be carried out on a regular basis to prevent the build-up of harmful waste products and bacteria in the pond/water feature itself or the filtration system, as well as keeping up the aesthetics of your pond and the clarity of the water so that you can enjoy your pond and fish. Water quality is very important for the health of your fish and the running of your water features.
Most manufacturers recommend that pond equipment is maintained and serviced regularly to keep the equipment running properly and to its full potential.
Regular servicing of pond equipment can prolong the life of the equipment and keep everything looking and working to the best of its ability.
As part of a regular service plan we can:
- Clean your filter.
- Purge your bottom drain.
- Change your water.
- Advise on blanket weed treatment.
- Carry out water quality tests.
- Make sure all the pond equipment is working correctly.
- Remove debris from the pond.
- Check all UV bulbs.
- Check all hoses/pipework for signs of leaks.
We recommend that this service is carried out on a monthly basis as a minimum, however, to keep your pond in its optimum condition fortnightly or even weekly visits may be necessary, this can be discussed on our first visit when we will advise you however, the visits can be done on a more or less frequent basis; whatever best suits you.
Other services
As well as regular maintenance we can also carry out many other services /upgrades such as:
- Repair/replacement of damaged butyl, firestone, PVC & fibreglass liners.
- Pump replacement.
- Filter upgrades.
- Upgrades of pond electrics.
- Maintenance or replacing your UV bulbs.
- Replacing or cleaning your Quartz sleeves.
- Installing new filter media.
- Installing air pumps.
- Installing or replacing UV clarifiers.
- Installing Pond Heaters.
- Diagnosing and treating your Koi.
- Testing your water quality (PH, Ammonia, Nitrates, Nitrites, Oxygen levels).
- Removing excessive plant growth.
Weed control – duckweed, blanket weed & algae.
- Rendering ponds.
- Replacing hose/pipework.
- Replacing pond-light bulbs.
- Repairing and installation of ponds.
- Repairing and installation of decking
- Repairing and construction bridges.
- Power washing pond/features.
- Water treatments.
- Koi supply and delivery.
We also so build bespoke koi ponds please take a look at our pond construction page
We deal with all major makes/brands within the aquatic trade so all equipment can be supplied and installed by us if required; whatever your problem we’re here to help!